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Spectacle, popular in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, in which ceremonially taunt, and usually kill, bulls in an arena. Spectacles with bulls were common in ancient Crete, Thessaly, and Rome. In the modern era, Roman amphitheatres were rebuilt and embellished for use as bullrings. The largest are in Madrid, Barcelona, and Mexico City. The corrida, which usually involves six individual fights, begins with a procession of matadors and their entourages. At the beginning of each fight an assistant (banderillero) performs a preliminary maneuver to allow the matador to assess the animal's behaviour. The matador then performs his capework, drawing the bull as close to him as possible without being gored. This is followed by the entrance of the picadors, horsemen who jab the bull with lances to weaken its neck and shoulder muscles. The matador then ritually slays the bull using a sword. In the Portuguese version of the ritual, the bull is fought from horseback and is not killed in the arena. Bullfighting has been banned in many countries.


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None. Bullfighting is not considered a sport but an art form.

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Yes, Goya was quite an aficionado of bullfighting and it was one of his favorite subjects to paint.

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Not everyone in Spain watches bullfights. The Autonomous region of Catalonia has prohibited bullfighting.

How do you say hold on a moment in french?

"attends" or " attends une minute" or "attends une seconde" (shorter, of course:)

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Only the uneducated have decided that bullfighting is a sport. By those familiar with the spectacle, it is considered an art form.

What European country is best known for bullfighting?

Spain is the bullfighting capital of Europe but bullfights are also held in Portugal and France