Olympic athletes are by the best of the best. They are the cream of the crop, hand-picked by their nations to represent their countries as they are the best competitors on the planet.
The game is still on its first phase (how come the Winner is decided at this stage?)
In ancient Greek games (as, fo example, the Olympic Games) the prize for the winner was a laurel wreath. In ancient Greek games (as, fo example, the Olympic Games) the prize for the winner was a laurel wreath.
well, that's like asking, did the egg come first or the chicken, no answer for that now is there?? love you xx
Darren Gough
they first put there name in and say what sport they do as well as what country they come from and then the people who are in charge of the Olympic games decide whether they want to take the person in or not.
The first Olympics were held in the city of Olympia, Greece.
since the first olympic games
The word olympic comes from the Greek city of Olympus where the first games honoring Zeus were played. As far as the Olympic Games go? They were first held in Olympia, Greece...so the Olympic Games were the games in Olympia.
The first time Britain held the olympic games was 1908 in London.
It was first came from the country France.
not a country but it was the first nations