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Faster swing, because the muscle behinde it that will send the ball over fence.

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Q: Which is more important to hitting a home run a heavier bat or a faster swing?
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How can you make a pendulum to swing faster?

You can make a pendulum swing faster by increasing its initial height or by shortening the length of the pendulum. Both of these actions will result in a larger potential energy that will be converted into kinetic energy, causing the pendulum to swing faster.

Does the weight of a bat affect hitting distance?

Yes, the weight of a bat can affect hitting distance. Heavier bats can generate more power and distance but may sacrifice speed, while lighter bats offer more control and faster swing speed, which can impact hitting distance as well. It ultimately depends on the player's preference and abilities.

How do the different weight in grams relate to a golf club shaft?

The weight of the shaft is usually directly proportional to swing speed. The faster and harder you swing the heavier of a shaft one typically has. This is untrue sometimes because the player may want to swing a very light shaft in order to be able to swing faster and therefore hit the ball further. A heavier shaft will also typically result in more accuracy and less distance because it causes the swing speed to slow down. The ultimate goal when picking the correct shaft weight is that you find the weight that gives you the best distance without losing accuracy.

How can you hit a ball better in baseball?

Quicker bat speed and a shortened swing where the bat drops at first with the hands then the swing rotation begins, and what is key for hitting faster pitching is turning the hips and the back foot and leading the swing with the bat knob. And make sure to keep the weight on you back leg and keep your head, shoulders, and chin locked in not pointing out. Hip and foot rotation is absolutely key for hitting better.

What do you do while hitting the birdie in badminton?

Aim carefully and swing emphatically.

What would happen if a swing was shorter than the other swing?

It would oscillate faster.

What does 'You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a moron' mean?

"You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a moron" is a figure of speech. It means you can't do something stupid without expecting it to affect yourself.

Does pendulum goes fast or slow?

The speed of a pendulum depends on its length and the gravitational pull. Taller pendulums swing slower than shorter ones, as the longer distance allows more time to complete each cycle. Additionally, heavier pendulums may swing faster due to their greater inertia.

What is the golfing term for hitting the ball twice on the same swing?

Simply a double hit.

What kind of swing should batters develop?

This is becoming a big debate on teaching the basics of the softball swing. There are two swings that are taught now. The traditional linear bat swing which uses mostly arms and the other is called rotational hitting where the rotation of the hips is where the power of the swing comes from. I prefer the rotational hitting because on a scientific point of view this movement shows that this motion uses more muscle strength to generate power in your swing. The quick rotation of the bat will also help on the speed of the ball out of the bat upon contact. The rotational swing helps a batter have the power needed in every swing. to analyze this swing you can check:

Which swing more heavier pendulum or lighter pendulum?

A heavier pendulum swings slower than a lighter pendulum of similar length due to the effects of gravity. However, in terms of weight, the heavier pendulum will place more strain on the support structure due to its greater mass.

How do you swing like Ted Williams?

He wrote a book on hitting. It's a pretty good read.