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we all can be a disny star if we have a real talent and we should work alot and do alot of audetions for them and if we are good then maby we can get the job on disny but i dont think its gonna be that easy its gonna take aloot of time

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Disneyland was the vision of Walt Disney.

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yes this number for disny channal

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Red riding hood belongs to disny

How do you become a disny actress?

Well first u gotta know how to spell Disney

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8. A circle disny hae ony angles!

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usa becuse i forgot his name but he invented disny in usa so usa

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debby ryen is a famos acter on disny chanlle she hasent been posting and i worried

Is there a website for kids about making your own things online?

i think: then go to: disny create and there is the best place!