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Greece leads the march past at every Olympic games. Greece is given the privilege as she is the nation where modern Olympics was held for the first time.

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Q: Which country leads during the march past in Olympic opening ceremony?
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The athletes from China will be the last to enter during the opening ceremonies. Olympic protocol dictates that the host country's athletes enter last at the opening ceremony.

What is the Olympic march past?

The Olympic March Past refers to the walk that is taken by the participants of various disciplines from different countries during the opening ceremony. Greece usually leads the Olympic march past with the host country last.

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During the country parade of the 2012 opening ceremony, the child bearer for each country is carrying a large metallic petal, all 204 of them are brought together at the end of the opening ceremony in the stadium to form the Olympic Cauldron.The Cauldron is then lit by the last of the Olympic Torch relay runner, and the Olympic Flame rests in the Cauldron for the whole duration of the games, after which the Flame is extinguished during the closing ceremony.It looks like a copper funnel.

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The Olympic Flame was first lit during the opening ceremony of the IX Olympic Games at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1928. There was a lot lof people there.

Which country always marches out first in the olympic opening ceremony?

Greece always leads the ceremony, the host country is always last. Since the Olympics began in Greece they are given the honor of being the first to walk during the opening ceremonies.

Why do they speak french during the Olympic games opening ceremony?

Because a Frenchmen was the person who came up with the modern olympics

What music do they play at the opening Olympic ceremony?

The national anthem for the country represented by the gold medal winner.

What country always leads the parade of nations during the opening ceremony for the Olympics?


Who marches last in the opening ceremony in Olympics?

Olympic protocol states the first athletes that enter the stadium during the opening ceremony are those from Greece in recognition of Greece being the home of the Olympics (where the Ancient Olympics first began).

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When does the handover ceremony take place?

during the opening ceremony

What type of bird is released during the opening ceremony?

Doves are released at the opening ceremony of the Olympics