Indiana University: Bloomington is located in Monroe County, Indiana.
The address of the Monroe County Historical Society is: 202 E 6Th St, Bloomington, IN 47408-3518
The address of the Monroe County Public Library is: 303 East Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, 47408 3534
The phone number of the Monroe County Historical Society is: 812-332-2517.
The address of the Monroe County Public Library Bookmobile is: 303 East Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, 47408 3534
The phone number of the Monroe County Public Library is: 812-349-3050.
The phone number of the Monroe County Public Library Bookmobile is: 765-453-4150.
The address of the Adams County Historical Museum is: 420 W Monroe St, Decatur, IN 46733
The address of the David Davis Mansion is: 1002 East Monroe, Bloomington, IL 61701-3763
The address of the Marshall County Historical Society Foundation is: 317 W Monroe St, Plymouth, IN 46563
Orange county .
That depends entirely on which Monroe County you are requesting information about. There are seventeen Monroe Counties in various states across the US. According to, the 2007 estimated total population of each of these Monroe Counties and which state they are located in are listed alphabetically as follows:# Monroe County, Alabama: 22,764 # Monroe County, Arkansas: 8,712 # Monroe County, Florida: 73,223 # Monroe County, Georgia: 25,145 # Monroe County, Illinois: 32,372 # Monroe County, Indiana: 128,643 # Monroe County, Iowa: 7,586 # Monroe County, Kentucky: 11,663# Monroe County, Michigan: 153,608 # Monroe County, Mississippi: 37,078 # Monroe County, Missouri: 9,205# Monroe County, New York: 729,681 # Monroe County, Ohio: 14,258 # Monroe County, Pennsylvania: 164,722 # Monroe County, Tennessee: 44,848 # Monroe County, West Virginia: 13,537 # Monroe County, Wisconsin: 43,112