Angel Pagan currently lives in Puerto Rico. Because he is a celebrity, his actual address is not listed for others to view.
MLB player Angel Pagan is 6'-02''.
Angel Pagan was born July 2, 1981.
MLB player Angel Pagan throws right.
MLB player Angel Pagan weighs 202 pounds.
Angel Pagan plays for the San Fancisco Giants.
Angel Pagan is a center fielder for the San Fancisco Giants.
MLB player Angel Pagan was born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
MLB player Angel Pagan made $10250000 in the 2014 season.
Met Angel Pagan has a father also named Angel. Former SF Giant Jose Pagan had a brother named Angel. All three were born in Puerto Rico. Jose and the young Angel had/have big league baseball skills.
Angel Pagan wears No. 16 with the San Francisco Giants.
MLB player Angel Pagan can bat right or left (i.e. he is a switch hitter).
Angel Pagan