So it's time to take a break from what you're doing and think about the word that nobody ever wants to talk about: cleaning. Spring cleaning helps rid of the germs that have made you sick all winter, and helps reduce your clutter. Here are some tips on how to spring clean quickly and on a budget.
Change Your Air Filter
You should change your air filter about once every 90 days. This is easy to do and are available for cheap. Make sure to change these regularly, because they reduce dust in the home.
Reduce Clutter
Now's the time to de-clutter. Go through all of your clothes and give some to charity. If you have clothes that are still in great condition, make some money by selling them on
Dust In Time
Take an old t-shirt and use it to dust since it is soft, inexpensive and won't harm anything. Then, unscrew all of your light bulbs and dust them after dampening the t-shirt in a little water. Make sure to get up high and dust all of your ceiling fans as well. Dust from the highest places to the lowest places in the home, so that you can vacuum the dust bunnies later.
Seek a Squeegee
Investing in a squeegee is an excellent choice for dirty windows, and are also very cheap. If you have higher areas on the window, buy an inexpensive attachment to go onto the squeegee. Then, fill a bucket with dish soap, wash down the window, dip the squeegee into the bucket and squeegee the window.
Remove Stains
Whether you have tablecloths or shirts with stains that you still have not worked out, you should print out a stain removal basics guide from This guide will give you an example of a stain and discuss an inexpensive way to remove the stain with items found in your own home.
Clean Blinds
You can wash aluminum blinds with dish soap. Just spray the blinds with a hose and get two old t-shirts to wash and dry the blinds with. Wood blinds are easy as well - just use a little wood cleaner that you have in the home.
Be a Fan of Your Fan
A ceiling fan typically rotates counterclockwise and distributes air for the summer months. During the cool periods in spring, make sure to rotate your ceiling fan in the opposing direction; you will save money on energy since warm air is distributed in an upward direction.
Wipe Out the Refrigerator
Mix eight tablespoons of baking soda into a gallon of warm water. Take an old t-shirt, soak up the baking soda-water mixture, and wipe out the refrigerator. Baking soda cleans well and helps absorb any putrid smells.
Replace Your Batteries
Batteries do not cost all that much, and it is nice to go around the house and replace everything for the safety and security of your home.
Reorganize Your Medicine Cabinet
Take time to go through your medications and get rid of ones that have expired - expiration dates come up faster than you think. Replace each medication as needed in order to avoid wasting money.
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A 200cc mini chopper would usually way about 250-300lbs
A mini chopper can be driven on the freeway as long as it is considered legal. The mini chopper will need to have a title, license plate and need to be inspected by the DMV.
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because it was afraid of the Big Chopper?
your chopper is probally a 49.5 cc chopper because there is no 495cc engine on a mini chopper it would be on a real chopper and would be a 500cc engine with 2 cylinders.
Bad spark plugs can cause a mini chopper to not get a spark. Another common cause is a bad ignition switch.