He went to medical school for a year in the University of Barcelona before he became a professional Basketball player
Pau Gasol was born on July 6, 1980
Pau Gasol was born on July 6, 1980.
Pau Gasol is from Barcelona in Spain
Pau Gasol Saez
Pau Gasol does have a brother. His name is Marc Gasol and he is on the Grizzlies. They do kind of look the same so it is creepy when the Lakers play the Grizzlies.
Marc Gasol and Pau Gasol
Vancouver grizzlies
Yes Her name is Bojana something I forgot but go to the website http://www.whosdatedwho.com/ look up pau gasol & his gf will be there you'll find a ton of pics there great site btw she's beautiful model
Yes he is 7 ft
As of March, 2009, Pau Gasol is # 16 on the Lakers.
In fact Pau has two rings because of 2010 NBA Finals