One can find a list of marathon sports on the Wikipedia page titled Marathon. The most common marathon sport is long distance running which also includes the wheelchair division.
The best place to find information about the LA marathon would be the official LA marathon website. One can find all the information about this subject that one is ever likely to need from this website.
One can find a list of Phoenix events when one goes to the site at about dot com Phoenix. There, one can get a list of events in Phoenix, including theater, outdoors, sports, festivals, and special events.
One can find out informations about the Edinburgh marathon from its officialy site: 'emf'- Edinburgh Marathon Festival. One can also check the Edinburgh Maraton Festival Facebook page.
The New York City Barstool Sports website has a vast array of information on bar stool sports and features a list of the most popular ones. One can view the website completely free of charge.
There are many places to get advice on how to train for a half marathon. One could join a sports club or fitness club that is focused on running, get in touch with a personal trainer or with other marathon runners. There are also books related to it. Another option is to consult helpful websites such as MarathonRookie and Menshealth.
There are many places where one could find listings for half marathon dates in the United States. One could check sites such as Marathon Guide for a listing of these dates.
One could find a list of various athletic quotes from Keep Inspiring Me. The have a list of the top 100 most motivational sports quotes of all time. Another good place is the Bleacher Report.
One can find a full list of cable TV companies on various websites online such as UNC, Cable Providers, Conncoll and All Connect. One can also look out for leaflets detailing cable TV companies.
There are a number of places where one can find live tennis scores. Most sports channels run a ticker at the bottom of the screen, displaying current scores in many sports. Those same sports channels have websites that also list live scores.
A list of every NFL team can be found directly on the league website, or by clicking on the NFL tab on any website that has a section dedicated to sports. In season, September-December, most newspapers and sports magazines will have a standings of the teams as well which would list them all.
One can find more news about marathon press from: Hollywood Life, Global News, Marathon Guide, Fox News Insider, YouTube, AOL News, Huffington Post, Kremlin, to name a few.
One can find footage of people running the London marathon on YouTube where numerous videos have been uploaded. One can also see highlights on the BBC sport website.