1 CLS 2 PRINT "Please to tell me the length of the side of the square." 3 INPUT S 4 PRINT 5 PRINT "The perimeter of the square is "; 4 * S 6 PRINT 7 PRINT "The area of the square is "; S ^ 2 8 PRINT 9 PRINT "That was truly a total blast. Would you like to play again ? 'Y' or 'N' ." 10 INPUT A$ 11 IF A$ = "Y" or A$ = "y" then PRINT "Goody! " : GOTO 2 12 IF A$ = "N" or A$ = "n" then PRINT "Well OK then. Goodbye": END 13 PRINT: PRINT "Please to type a 'Y' to play again, or a 'N' to quit for now." 14 GOTO 10
Either buy it or print it online.
The phrase "Play It Again" means to play something again. For example, if this was in a mobile game, it would mean to re-play the level or do the game again.
The duration of Play It Again is 3600.0 seconds.
You have to print out the piano sheet and learn how to play.
It depends: usually you do, but if you say "again and again and again" you wouldn't put a comma.Ex: Yes - "If you want to play again, give me a token.Ex: No - " You can play again and again."
Print Share is the app on Google Play which will enable you connect your tablet to your PC and directly print your word document.
Play It Again was created on 2007-03-25.
Play It Again Sports was created in 1983.
You Look Up the sheet music on the internet and print it out and play it.
The duration of Play it Again Des is -3000.0 seconds.