24 not correct ottava 8va = one octave higher or lower quindecima 15ma = two octaves higher or lower What is the name and symbol for three octaves higher or lower? It must be 22 something, not 24.
Decent is the correct spelling when saying something was "okay".The meal was pretty decent.Descent is the correct spelling when meaning "go lower".The plane began its landing descent.
Higher to lower.
9 to 13 LBS. No higher are lower are you will have problems.
Electronsflow from areas of lower to higher voltage, while Current flow from areas higher to lower voltage.
Lower courts are where cases are initially started. If they are appealed, they are taken to higher courts.
trophic as in higher trophic levels feed on lower ones
No. The larger the conductor the lower the resistance and the higher the ampacity.
Kerosine may reffer to: If you referring to jet fuel, is a higher fraction of refining gasoline. If you referring to tracktor fuel, is lower fraction of refining gasoline ( lower than diesel, but higher than mazut ) (pls somebody correct my "chemical" English)
It indicates how close the real resistance of the real resistor is guaranteed to be to the numbers indicated by the first three bands. Gold . . . within 5 percent higher or lower Silver . . . within 10 percent higher or lower No 4th band . . . within 20 percent higher or lower
9 to 13 LBS. NO HIGHER ARE LOWER. Are you will have starting and running problems.