When the hitter fails to get a single hit in one game unless they walk him all the times that he was up or gets hits
not at this time
No, the hitting streak does not end. Section 10.23 (a) in the Major League Baseball Rulebook states: "A consecutive hitting streak shall not be terminated if a batter's plate appearance results in a base on balls, hit batsman, defensive interference or obstruction or a sacrifice bunt."
Vladimir Guerrero had a 31 game hitting streak in 1999. While it was the longest streak for a season in the 90s it wasnt longest streak of the 90s. Hal Morris, Cincinnati Reds first baseman, had a 32 game hitting streak that started at the end of August of the 1996 season and carried over into the 1997 season.
Mickey Mantle's longest hitting streak was 16 games.
The key to this particular question is the word "where". In 1941, New York Yankee Joe Dimagio had a record breaking hitting streak of 56 straight games. It was in the ballpark of the Cleveland Indians where his hitting streak came to an end. Baseball fans need to know the following: Today the Indians play in Progressive Field in Cleveland. The stadium has a seating capacity of about 45,000.On the day in 1941 when "Jolt'n Joe's hitting streak came to an end, a Cleveland crowd of 67,000 fans saw the game. What has happened to baseball in Cleveland?
a walk is not a hit so therefore his 'hitting' streak does not continue
56 game hitting streak
67,468 fans witnessed the end of Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak in 1941 in Cleveland. This attendance number was the largest attendance number was a record for a night game.
Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak came to an end on July 17, 1941, against the Cleveland Indians. Pitchers on the mound for Cleveland that day were starting pitcher Al Smith and Jim Bagbyin relief.
Luis Gonzalez had a 30 game hitting streak from 04-11-1999 to 05-18-1998.
if a guy walks 3 times in a game as his only at bats...is his hitting streak alive??
walter johnson