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Your body, just like an an engine, will work best at a certain pace and resistance, you want to keep turning the cranks at beetween 80-100 turns/minute.

If pushing the pedals becomes so heavy that your pace drops off, switch to an easier gear. If pushing the pedals becomes so easy that you have a hard time keeping up, change to a heavier gear

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14y ago

The ideal pace to pedal at is 80-100 turns/minute, and you shift gears when your pedaling rate drops out of that zone. Basically, if turning the pedals is heavy, switch to a lighter gear and if the pedals aren't giving you any resistance switch to a heavier gear.

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13y ago

i would say shift in corners

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Q: When do you shift the gear on a 1000cc bike?
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What does 1000rr stand for?

1000cc displacement race ready performance bike.

How do you shift a dirt bike?

You shirt up to go to the next gear, than down do down shirt.

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the first thing you do is you start the bike than you pull the clutch than click the gear shift down with your left foot. Then you carefully let out the clutch slowly until it is all the way out. How to use the gear shift- When you click the gearshift down it puts the bike into gear 1 than flick it up than it is gear two ect. to get in to neutral flick it down until gear one than flick it up half way.

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yamaha r1...the 1 stands for 1000cc

How much is insurance for a 1000cc bike for a 17 year old?

get a qoute from the insurance website

What is 4 down 1 up on a dirt bike?

That is a shift pattern, only problem is your pattern would be 1 down and 4 up. From neutral position, you click the shift lever down to go into first gear, then each time you shift you will click one position (gear) up at a time until you are in 5th gear.

How fast does a Honda cbr 1000cc go in first gear?

124 miles an hour

How do you shift on a dirt bike?

Well most dirt bikes i have seen the gears are like this 5 4 3 2 N 1 To shift gears on a dirt bike if you have a manual transmission if you are in neutral pull in clutch and go down on shifter then reach top speed in gear 1 and shift up etc... (note: if your dirt bike is slowing down if you shifted up then shift up again)

How do you work the gears on a bike with 24 inch wheels?

Depends more on what type of gears that you have than it does on the size of the wheels. If the gear levers are the same type as on a bigger bike the 24 inch bike will shift just the same way.