The Mandingo fighters took Diallo and his two captives. They sold the three to an English trader. Diallo offered to pay to be let go, but that attempt failed. He was placed on a ship headed for America.
I think you can
i think vans
Sir Guy and some other Christians held religious bias again the Saracens. !
When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.
I think its t-rex
I think it is available after you beat the game
fossil fighters and fossil fighters champions but fossil fighters is the first version of fossil fighters and fossil fighter champions came out like 2 years afterwards. but there both just alike except the second hav better graphics i think
i think that ou have to go to Rainbow canyon to find it
There are other anime out there dubbed "z" and all of them are remakes and sequels so I think it means ultimate or part 2 Therefore I think the z fighter are the ultimate fighters
San Jacinto i think
You get breme on the secret island after you beat the game (I think) in the ship somewhere.
that's what your supposed to do you cant get frigi i don't think