If you were born in early to mid '10, you would graduate in '28. However, if you were born in mid to late '10, you would graduate in '29.
A High- school graduate would make about $2,942 per year with a good job!
Well, if you were born in 1990, you would typically graduate high school around the age of 18 or 19. So, you would graduate high school in the year 2008 or 2009. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to embrace each step along the way with positivity and kindness.
If you were born on January 8, 1972 what year would you graduate High school?
it would depend if you failed or not
Is John McCin a high school graduate
No, she didn't graduate high school. She has admitted she is a high school dropout. She does have her GED.
1995. But if you were born in late Nov. or Dec., you'd probably graduate high school a year later.
if you are in fifth grade then you would graduate in 2018
Do you mean graduate high school? Then the answer would be 2010.