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if you know how to roller skates or something you would catch it

if you don't know how then you would fall and the ball might hit you somewhere

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Q: What would happen if you tried to catch a ball when you were standing on roller skates?
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What would happen if you tried to catch a ball when you were standing on a roller skates?

if you know how to roller skates or something you would catch it if you don't know how then you would fall and the ball might hit you somewhere

What would happen if you tried to catch a ball when you were standing on skates?

if you know how to roller skates or something you would catch it if you don't know how then you would fall and the ball might hit you somewhere

What would happen if you tried to catch a ball on roller skates?

You would fall

What would happen if you tried to catch a ball when you were standing on roller skaters?

Depending on your balance and where the ball is you will probably fall.

What happens when you try to catch a ball on roller skates?

You would push backward because of the ball accelerating at you

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You would get Lugia.

What behaviors can you complete to protect your nervous system?

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What happens when you bring a camera on a roller coaster?

They will make you leave it near the roller coaster and not allow you to bring it on with you and if for some reason they don't catch you with it you are taking the chance of accidentally dropping it on the ride.