The NFC Championship game in 2005, in Seattle Washington.
Seattle Seahawks vs Carolina Panthers
The noise was equal to standing next to a Jet Engine, which is about 135 decibles.
Strange enough, the TWO loudest sporting events in the country have both been held in the State of Washington. The 05 NFC championship was the loudest, and only a couple decibles less was the Washington vs. Oregon game in 1992, also played in Washigton.
The loudest event was 9/11.
The loudest event was 9/11.
The loudest thunder ever recorded was in Oklahoma in 2003, reaching 200 decibels.
from about 1234 km away
The loudest sound ever recorded is believed to be the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883. The sound was heard up to 3,000 miles away and ruptured eardrums of sailors 40 miles away. It is estimated to have reached 180 to 190 decibels.
If by highest you mean loudest, it was Hitler that has the highest recorded voice in history.
the biggest and loudest was made by a women named ms.jinka loisa who burped for 4.19 minutes under presure.
The loudest sound of a volcanic eruption was heard during the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia. The sound was heard over 3,000 miles away and is considered one of the loudest sounds in recorded history.
The loudest volcanic eruption in recorded history was the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia. The explosion was so powerful that it was heard up to 3,000 miles away and led to the destruction of the island.
The loudest sound produced on Earth is a volcanic eruption, with the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 being one of the loudest recorded sounds in history. In space, the collapse of a massive star into a supernova can produce incredibly loud sound waves.
The impact of the loudest thunder ever recorded on the surrounding area was significant, causing widespread damage to buildings, trees, and infrastructure. The loud noise also led to panic and fear among the residents, with some experiencing temporary hearing loss and other physical effects. Overall, the event left a lasting impression on the community and raised awareness about the power and potential dangers of extreme weather phenomena.