he played with pokamon cards
Ive met him and he was a fraction taller then me. Im 187cm and id say he is about 188-189cm (6'2 - 6'2.5) tall which is what he's listed as on most sites.
Linford Christie 9.87s
Dee Linford's birth name is Dee V. Linford.
Linford Group was created in 1877.
Newtown Linford's population is 1,000.
Matthew Linford was born in 1966.
Steve Linford was born in 1956.
Linford S. Haines was born in 1967.
John Linford was born on 1957-12-06.
Linford Christie was born on April 2, 1960.
Lewis Linford's birth name is Lewis Smales.