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Q: What was Baseball Great Flogged MrCoffee?
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A sentence with the word flogged?

The slave was flogged on the deck.I flogged the watch for a tenner. (Flogged = British slang for sold).He ordered the soldier to be flogged for his desertion.

How can you use the word flogged in a sentence?

He was flogged for his insolence.

What does flogged means?

Flogged means to beat or whip someone as a punishment.

How can you put flogged in a sentence?

In the past a form of punishment for a criminal was to have them flogged.

What does flogged around in fleet mean?

"Flogging around the fleet" was a punishment were an offender would be taken to each ship in a fleet and flogged on each in front fo the ship's crew.

Did the bride well workhouse treat inmates well?

No. Inmates were subject to an austere regime of hard work and corporal punishment. It was normal for new inmates to be flogged on arrival, and for leaving inmates to be flogged upon discharge. These were in addition to any floggings they might have received during their stay. Adult inmates of both sexes were stripped to the waist and flogged on the bare back with the cat'o nine tails. Juvenile inmates of both sexes were flogged with the birch on the bare buttocks.

What happened to roman deserters?

If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.

What is a sentence for flog?

The prisoner was flogged for attempting to escape.

How were false starters in the ancient olympic games punished?

they were flogged or whipped

What happens if you break the school rules on Tudor times?

You would be flogged with the birch.

What do you suppose Christian was rebuked but not flogged for his supervision of the men on Tahiti?

He had a lackadaisical attitude