The absolute highest credit score you can get is 850. Only one out of every two hundred Americans has a perfect credit score of 850. It is very difficult to obtain a credit score that high.
The hattrick can be recorded in two sports. Hockey and Soccer. In hockey, it is when you score three goals, and in soccer it is when you score three goals.
It is one of Ireland's two national sports. It is a game of the Gaels, some of the people of Ireland, and it is a football sport. Gaelic Football is a perfect description, much as other football sports and other sports that are named from the country or people that play it.
A perfect score/game in Bowling is a 300. It occurs when you get 12 strikes in a row. Yes, there are only 10 Frames, but if you get a strike in the last frame (10th Frame), you get two more shots.
One-score of men is 20 men, so two-score would be forty. :)
Numerically a "score" is a group of 20. So "two score" would be represented by the numeral 40.
"Running up the score" is a term used in North American sports when a team is way ahead towards the end of a game and continues to score points to make their lead even more. Usually, the two teams are not evenly matched and the winning team is far better than the losing team.
No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.
An ACT score of 36 would generally be held in higher regard than the distinction of being a National Merit Scholar. The 36 represents a perfect score in every section of one of the two major American standardized tests, whereas the National Merit Scholarship Competition is based on the PSAT. There are significantly more National Merit Scholars than there are people with perfect ACT scores.
It depends on context. Dates? October First. Sports? A score between two competing teams. Ages? Mean ages one to ten.
A score is twenty. Two hundred three score is 260.
It means to score two goals.