The address of the South Parkersburg is: 1713 Blizzard Dr., South Parkersburg, 26101 6428
The address of the Parkersburg Historical Society is: 805 Florence Street, Parkersburg, IA 50665
The address of the Parkersburg Art Center is: 220 E 8Th St, Parkersburg, WV 26101-4615
The top then largest cities in the state are (in order from largest to smallest) Charleston, Huntington, Parkersburg, Wheeling, Morgantown, Weirton, Fairmont, Beckley, Clarksburg, and Martinsburg.
The phone number of the South Parkersburg is: 304-428-7041.
Parkersburg Parkers was created in 1909.
Parkersburg Women's Club was created in 1888.
Parkersburg Suspension Bridge was created in 1916.
Parkersburg High School was created in 1867.
The motto of Parkersburg High School is 'School of Champions'.
The address of the Bookmobile is: 3100 Emerson Ave., Parkersburg, 26104 2414
Parkersburg Catholic High School was created in 1958.