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Don Don Badmnan

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Q: What sport uses the flat bone?
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Is the skull bone a flat bone?

No, the skull bone is not a flat bone. It is categorized as a irregular bone due to its complex shape and structure. It provides protection for the brain and supports various sensory organs.

A bone that is platelike is classified as?

A bone that is platelike is classified as a flat bone. Flat bones, such as the skull or ribs, have a flattened, thin shape and provide protection and support.

What class of bone is the Parietal?

The parietal bone is classified as a flat bone. It forms the sides and roof of the skull.

Is the temporal bone a flat bone?

No, the temporal bone is not a flat bone. It is a irregular bone located on the side of the skull and it plays a crucial role in protecting the brain and supporting various structures in the head.

Is ilium a flat or irregular bone?

The ilium is considered a flat bone. It is one of the three bones that make up the hip bone, along with the ischium and pubis.

What bone in the skull is a flat bone?


What muscle is the flat bone attached to?

there are several flat bones... The Scapula (shoulder blade), Sternum (breast bone), Cranium (skull), Pelvis and Ribs are all considered to be flat bones.

Which flat bone forms part of the chest?

The sternum is the flat bone that the upper ribs are joined to.

Is the tempral bone a flat bone?

No, the temporal bone is not a flat bone. It is a complex bone located on the sides and base of the skull that helps form part of the skull structure and protects the ear and inner ear structures.

Is the clavicle a flat bone?

Yes, the clavicle is considered a flat bone. It is a long, curved bone that is part of the shoulder girdle and lies horizontally across the top of the chest.

What is the name of a cranial flat bone?

Frontal bone

What kind of bone is the clavicle?

The clavicle is a long bone, also known as the collarbone. It is located horizontally near the top of the thorax, connecting the shoulder to the sternum.