They can jump over high fences.
you cant
I had to jump over the mud puddle. Fences usually are high enough so farm animals cannot jump over them. Most wolves can easily jump over a fence.
Deerhave been documented to jump over cars, and jeeps. Many deer have been seen to jump over 12 foot fences when being chased by prey
Yes, dogs are very good jumpers and will jump for various reasons. Some dogs can jump fences over six or seven feet high.
Foxes can jump at least 4 feet. This is why certain fences will not keep them out. Some foxes can jump as high as 6 feet.
Only over stump fences on your property or public property.
Spooking does not matter hoe high a horse can jump. If a horse has jumped over fences and has been trained you will be able to have your horse jump higher in competition.
An Elephant is the only animal that cannot jump.But they could push their way through fences.
It is called Showjumping.