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Gymnastics, which is broken down in to Artistic, Rhythmic, and Trampoline.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

balance beam uneven bars vault and floor routine

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Q: What sport does a gymnast do at the Olympics?
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Who is competing in the 2014 winter gymnast Olympics?

Gymnastics is a summer Olympics sport not a winter Olympics sport. Gymnastics will next be in the London Olympics in 2012 and the Rio Olympics in 2016.

What is Romania well known for?

One name all knows as Romanian brand in Sport and Olympics: Nadia Comanici, gymnast with highest number of medals in one sport in Olympics from Romania(gymnastics)

Is there an average weight of a gymnast in the Olympics?

Usually a gymnast in the Olympics is 100 -119 but there is something called sports anorexia which a lot of gymnast suffer from.

What is the age cut off to complete as an Olympic gymnast?

There is not one. In the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China, Germany has a female gymnast competing at the age of 33.

What is a gymnast's goal?

some gymnast's goal is to get to the olympics. others just do it to have fun.

How do you get in in the Olympics for gymnast?

your country will reprsent there

Do you have to be a short gymnast to be in the Olympics?

no, you can be as tall or as short as you want.

Who is Mary Lou?

A gymnast who went to the Olympics back in the 80s.

Why are there age reqirements in gymnastics?

You have to be 16 to compete in the Olympics as a gymnast.

What Olympics gymnast was coached by Ric Wagner?

Tracy Tallevera

Who calls gymnastics the sport of all sports?

A gymnast.

Is there a sport in the olympic games that begins with G?
