He has to be blind, deaf, and dumb.
But seriously, since you didnt saya specific referee type, I'm going to tell you that a referee must have experience from a low level and work their way up.
Hi, i have a new answer... the answer before was not very nice. all they need is a good eye, and A LOT of skill in the sport! your welcome! :)A love for the game. A little common sense. Be able to run a couple of miles/ be in shape. Someone who can take a little yelling from the crowd. Be able to enforce the rules. Constantly learning and becoming better once you start. You'll never be perfect so that leaves room for improvement.
It depends on what type of referee you want to be. I personally am a soccer referee and I took a two day referee course and on the second day you took the test and got the results. very simple. I live in Wisconsin and the referee thing we have here is wisref
You need 5 gcse's A to C and you need to have done sport while at school or at college, you also need a sports degree to beome a referee.
It depends on what level you are talking about.
at the local board level (officiating games from elementary to high school varsity level as well most club Basketball, you need to pass a proctored exam each year (either NFHS, IAABO or FIBA). as well as show proficiency on the court showing proper positioning and mechanicsinan on court evaluation for rookie oficials. once those to criteria are accomplished assignments at the local level can be awarded.
In our province, officiating at the university levelocurs by advancement through selection to the university pane of officialsl and games are assigned by the panel referee chief. Community college club, rec, high school and elementary assigning is all done at the local baord level. Assignments are given based on the experience levelrequired to officiate at a particular level of play
Yes, a rugby union video referee is a qualified Rugby Union Referee.
to become a ref you will need to attend the police accademy for two years then try going to a university and get your masters degree in helth and sciences
the rules
noneAnswerOrthodontists need lots of qualifications.
An assist referee should know all about football. He should know as much as the referee so that if the referee is blinded or very far away the assistanat referee could give decession after consulting with the referee.
An assistant referee DOES NOT need a whistle. They need a uniform (shirt, shorts, socks) and an assistant referee flag. That's pretty much it... oh, and soccer cleats will probably help!
what qualifications do you need to be a general household and affects auctioneer
what qualifications do you need to be a general household and affects auctioneer
you need to have at least 3 qualifications
you may need qualifications in ecology or chemerstry
You can see the qualifications you need and the job application form on their website.
A referee letter is a recommendation letter written by someone who can vouch for your skills and qualifications. It is important in the job application process as it provides employers with insights into your character and abilities from a trusted source.