Tyler Polumbus plays Offensive Tackle for the Washington Redskins.
Tyler Polumbus plays for the Washington Redskins.
NFL player Tyler Polumbus played for Colorado.
Tyler Polumbus was born on 1985-04-10.
NFL player Tyler Polumbus is 6'-08''.
Tyler Polumbus is number 74 on the Washington Redskins.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Tyler Polumbus is 29 years old.
NFL player Tyler Polumbus weighs 305 pounds.
Tyler Patmon plays Cornerback for the Dallas Cowboys.
Tyler Zeller plays center for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Tyler Gaudet plays center for the Arizona Coyotes.
Tyler Myers plays defense for the Buffalo Sabres.
Tyler Seguin plays center for the Dallas Stars.