Joakim Nordstrom plays for the Chicago Blackhawks.
NHL player Joakim Nordstrom is 6'-01''.
Joakim Nordstrom is number 42 on the Chicago Blackhawks.
Joakim Nordstrom was born in Stockholm, Sweden on 02-25-92.
NHL player Joakim Nordstrom shoots left.
NHL player Joakim Nordstrom weighs 160 pounds.
Joakim Noah plays center for the Chicago Bulls.
Joakim Soria is a relief pitcher for the Texas Rangers.
Joakim Andersson plays center for the Detroit Red Wings.
NHL player Joakim Nordstrom was born on 02-25-92 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 22 years old.
Joakim Lindstrom plays left wing for the St. Louis Blues.
Joakim Noah plays center for the Chicago Bulls.