Emerson Etem plays for the Anaheim Ducks.
Emerson Etem was born on 1992-06-16.
NHL player Emerson Etem is 6'-01''.
NHL player Emerson Etem shoots left.
NHL player Emerson Etem weighs 210 pounds.
Emerson Etem is number 65 on the Anaheim Ducks.
Emerson Etem was born in Long Beach, California on 06-16-92.
NHL player Emerson Etem was born on 06-16-92 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 22 years old.
Emel Etem Toshkova was born in 1958.
Sadri Etem Ertem has written: 'Bacayi indir, bacayi kaldir'
Michael Emerson plays the role of Benjamin Linus on Lost.
Ms. Emerson is an opponent of same-sex marriage.