Four seam fastball ,a curve and strait change very little . Also a cutter later on in his career.
Dwight Gooden's birth name is Dwight Eugene Gooden.
Dwight Gooden is 6' 3".
Dwight Gooden goes by Doctor K, and Doc Gooden.
Yes, Dwight Gooden's 1.53 ERA was the best in MLB in 1985. Second best was John Tudor of the St. Louis Cardinals at 1.93.
Dwight Gooden was born on November 16, 1964.
Dwight Gooden was born on November 16, 1964.
Doc Gooden
Dwight Gooden is 46 years old (birthdate: November 16, 1964).
Monique Gooden
Gooden is now retired as an active player.
No they are not related.