Walt Garrison is 6'.
Walt Garrison's birth name is Walter Benton Garrison.
Walt Garrison was born on July 23, 1944, in Denton, Texas, USA.
Walt Garrison has written: 'Once a cowboy' -- subject(s): Biography, Cowboys, Dallas Cowboys (Football team), Football players 'Then Landry said to Staubach' -- subject(s): Dallas Cowboys (Football team), History
The phone number of the Garrison Public Library is: 319-477-5531.
Garrison Sanborn is number 65 on the Buffallo Bills.
The phone number of the Garrison House is: 978-256-8832.
Was it argil
The phone number of the Gilman Garrison House is: 603-436-3205.
Cadet Officers
The phone number of the Walt Whitman is: 718-935-0244.
Walt was the fourth of five children.