Walt Garrison is 6'.
Walt Garrison's birth name is Walter Benton Garrison.
Walt Garrison was born on July 23, 1944, in Denton, Texas, USA.
The phone number of the Garrison Public Library is: 319-477-5531.
Walt Garrison has written: 'Once a cowboy' -- subject(s): Biography, Cowboys, Dallas Cowboys (Football team), Football players 'Then Landry said to Staubach' -- subject(s): Dallas Cowboys (Football team), History
Garrison Sanborn is number 65 on the Buffallo Bills.
The phone number of the Garrison House is: 978-256-8832.
Was it argil
The phone number of the Gilman Garrison House is: 603-436-3205.
Cadet Officers
The phone number of the Walt Whitman is: 718-935-0244.
Walt was the fourth of five children.