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how much is my 1905-1927 ty cobb baseballs all-time greats worth my email is my phon is 1-601-425-7142 i have lots more cards

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Q: What is the worth for a ty cobb card baseball's all-time greats 1905-1927?
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What is the worth for a ty cobb card baseball's all time greats 1905 1927?


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Who makes baseballs?

Rawlings, Wilson, Worth, Champro, Diamond, and many others.

Are baseballs made in haiti worth less?

Baseballs that are made in Hati are not worth less, but there is a problem with some that could lower the value. American League aseballs made in Hati between 1984 and 1990 were made without the use of distilled water, thus, allowing for enzymes to potentially turn the color of the ball over time. You will usually notice yellow/brown soiling on these baseballs due to the flaw in production.

What is a very old antique baseball worth?

Baseballs such as the ones used in the early days of baseball like the "lemon Peal" style can be worth 1,000's of dollars.Official Major League baseballs can have a high value depending on the era the baseball was made and the condition. You need to identify the type of baseball and the age to find a value. Official Major League baseballs can be dated by identifying the League president's signature that is printed on the ball.

What are major baseballs from the 1950's worth?

1950's Official Major League BaseballsThe value of the baseballs will vary depending on which league the baseballs are from, and the League president that is stamped on the ball.Official American League baseballs from the 1950's had a Reach Trademark and the William Harridge league president stamping until 1959 which had the stamping of League President Joe Cronin. They could have a value of about $200. for the 1959 baseballs and up to $400. for the older William Harridge stamped baseballs. The National League Spalding Trademark baseballs with the Ford Frick and Warren Giles stampings have a value of about $200.-$250. These price are general and will vary based on age and condition

How much is don larsen's perfect game baseballs greatest moments danbury mint statue worth?

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Baseballs all- time greats Cy Young card worth from the 1890-1911?

I have a baseball All-TimeGreats playing years 1890-1911 by Cy Young i also have a Babe Ruth playing years on 1914-1935 Ty Cobb playing years on 1905-1927 and a Lou Gehrig playing Years on 1923-1939 And i have a napoleon (Larry Lajoie) in 1933 Goudey Gum