What the crocodile hat was that?!
There's no post box, there's no shuttle-cock & where's the jelly giraffe, eh?!
Everytime their fruity acorn gets that alarm clock, I want you to..... snowflake their teapot - hard!
You get out there & play your palm trees off!
Excuse me , do you know where doverstreet is please .........ohhh no problem monkey sox. your best bet is to follow your rubber duck . go right past the Christmas tree. then ya need..........................hang on let me think. yaaa , ya wanna follow your saxafone till ya reach the white fronts and then bobs your teapot . alri ice-cream cone
Some words that end with vert are convert, invert, advert, transvert, and divert.
I want your love - by - The Graveltones
The words are "what man could ever have imagined into oblivion a LAND such as this" It was spoken in the background of a Visit Scotland advert screened in Ireland maybe 8 years ago? Billy Connolly sung the song Irish heartbeat (stay a while) in the advert. I cant find the advert on you tube and still dont know where the words came from.
Noee. Its not true but they make you Hyperactive. Because of all the sugar and artificial colourings/ Flavourings.
Advert and Ad could both be clipped words for advertisement.
k i - k i - k i n g happy is meeeee!!
It's called Sweet Lady, by Supercharango
Who sings the song on cls advert some words are and you know what i like
The Dandy Warhols - Scientist
Large, stupendous, gigantic, -- all the words you find on a movie advert. Otherwise, a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms will be a good start, as will be a thesaurus.
One chooses some keywords so that when someone searches Google using those words, one's advert appears next to the search results. One is only charged if somebody clicks on the advert.