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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It means you don't know proper English or how to spell.

But NAAO built great airplanes.

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Q: What is the term socialogy of sport means?
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The term "pull out" means to withdraw from something. For example, in the sport of tennis, a player can "pull out" of a tournament because of injury.

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The term chipping is used in sport climbing, which is a form of rock climbing. In the sport of golf, the term 'chip shot' is often used.

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The sport of surfing.

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The term vanquished means to conquer. Other synonyms include subdue, defeat thoroughly, to come out the winner in a competition such as a sport or a game.

In what sport is the term half nelson used?

Wrestling is the sport where the term half-nelson is used.

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What does the term superb stand for?

The term, superb, means excellent, or very good. A person can be superb in a certain subject in school. Also, someone can be superb in a sport like football.