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Jai Alai is really interesting. Glad you asked about it. You can read about it here: The court or arena is three sided. It has two small walls, one at each end, and a really, really long back wall. Players wear a special catching and releasing mitt with a long snout called a cesta. Because of the leverage available with this unusual piece of gear, players can launch a ball at well over 150 miles an hour. Ain't no Major League hurlers can even come CLOSE to that! Oh, and the cesta is always worn on the right hand. No left handed play is permitted. Check that out! Crazy, huh?!

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Q: What is the sport called Jaialai?
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If your want to find out about Jaialai you will have t see for yourself. Try taking a night out and going to Jaialai and find out a lot more information about the place and how it is ran.

Jaialai result for 24 jan2015?

The JaiAlai result for January 24, 2015 was Sports Valley 921-QLF.

What is the tip in jaialai for tomorrow?

Jai Alai is a sport that is similar to racquet ball. It involves a hand held curved racquet like launcher that is sued to throw and catch the ball. This best way to get tips is to ask a person that plays the game.

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We won't know until tomorrow's games are played.

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Nobody can predict the result before the game is played.

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Who are the name of player today for jaialai?

Jailai is a famous sport from Basque region of Spain. The sport is played against a wall in an indoor space. It is similar to squash till this point, however, the rules are different and there is no racquet used. Instead a glove in a bend shaped is used to throw and catch the ball. There are many players who play the sports, please mention which specific team are you asking for?