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Q: What is the salary of a bullfighter for one year?
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One million a year

What does annual salary mean?

== == Annual salary is the amount of money you make in one year.

What is bullfighter in French?

A bullfighter is called in French 'torero' or 'toreador', after Spanish words.

When was The Bullfighter Checks Her Makeup created?

The Bullfighter Checks Her Makeup was created in 2001.

When did Jimmy Anderson - bullfighter - die?

Jimmy Anderson - bullfighter - died in 2008.

When was Jimmy Anderson - bullfighter - born?

Jimmy Anderson - bullfighter - was born in 1953.

What rating does the movie Bullfighter have?

The rating that the movie called Bullfighter varies depending on what source one visits. Typically, the movie has a rating of four and a half stars out of five stars.

What is Steve Jobs's salary?

Steve Jobs earns a salary of one dollar a year from Apple.

What is Jim vance's salary?

one million a year