If you mean "power play" then that is a time in Ice Hockey when someone has been sent off the ice for breaking the rules. The other team has an advantage because they have one more player than the other team. This advantage is a power play.
It comes from the Micmac language - Kaleboo, meaning pawer or scratcher
your can<t is a electric pawer steering
nokia mobils pawer on to sceren whay two peopel hind
A process to explore the web on the internet through random browsing is called browsing.
peise of wood that have magic pawer(it is a lion wing)the wing is magic lion and people bolive that it is from a angel
in the wardrobe in the closet in the pantery in the bin in the...the? ok the just look anywhere
the micmac word kaleboo meaning pawer or scratcher from its foraging by kicking snow aside
I only know 3. 1) Product Law 2) Quotient Law 3) Pawer Law
5th is only a highway gear, not to be used below 55 or so.
check for broken wires in the door and check for pawer across the switch drive safe
The first nuclear power plant ever built was the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant. Located in Obninsk, this plant is situated south of Moscow and was operational starting on June 1, 1954.
crank sensor is bad... when it gets warmed up... it'll send bad data to the spark device and will stall out