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The ball is played using the caman, a stick of about 3 1/2 ft in length. Unlike the Irish camán, it has no blade. The caman is traditionally made of wood, traditionally ash but now more commonly hickory, and must not have any plate or metal attached to it. The caman would be made from any piece of wood with a hook in it, hence caman, from the Scottish Gaelic, cam meaning bent or crooked. It can also be called a stick or club.

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13y ago

Traditionally called a caman, but also is referred to simply as Shinty stick

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10y ago

It is called a caman.

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What is a Shinty stick called?

The stick/club with which one might play Shinty (now, mainly in the Scottish Highlands) is called a "caman". It is often simply called a stick, within the context of the sport of Shinty.

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University shinty was created in 199#.

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