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soccer. In Italy they call it football

Soccer is a team sport..Maybe tennis..

The most popular individual sport in the world, if we are talking 1 v. 1 person is Judo. It ranks second behind Football (Soccer) as the most popular sport in the world also.

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Q: What is the most popular individual sport played in the world?
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What is the most popular individual sport in the world?

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. That's a true fact :-)

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No, but it is the most played sport (or popular) in the world.

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Tennis is the most popular individual sport.

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Yes it is popular it is played throughout all of the world!

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Soccer is known to be the most popular and most played sport in the world. Thus, it is safe to assume that it is the best sport in the world.

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Soccer is the most popular sport because- 1) It is played by the whole world(almost) 2) It is the most popular sport in many countries 3) It is the national sport of many countries

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Soccer is the most played game in the world.

Most popular sport played?

The most popular played sport is:"Football (Soccer) They are in global popularity; Soccer Cricket Field-Hockey Tennis Volleyball Table-Tennis Baseball Golf American football

Is soccer the first popular sport in the world?

No, soccer was not the first popular sport in the world. Although not the first, it is now the most popular sport in the world. The first popular sport was baseball.

What are the most well known sports in the world?

There are many sports in the world that are popular/well known... Hockey is a great sport and is played all over the world and is very popular as well to all over the world. However football is also very popular and many people are very interested in it, which is where people who are a big fan of it think it is the most popular sport in the world. Actually football is not even one of the most popular sport in the world, Hockey is the most played sport in the word and is very popular and liked across all the world. Great Britain is not a big fan of Hockey however is played Marjoryly all over the rest of the world! I hope this helped!

What is the most popular plated sport in the world?

The most popular sport in the world is soccer.