Touch step is a popular line dance that is performed around the world. It is most popular in the United States but has started to spread to other countries.
what is step and touch potential?
Step-Touch-step in any direction on one foot by putting all your weight on it and touching the floor with the ball of the foot, Touch drag or touch kick ball.
Touch Step Bleking Step Close Step Hop Step Slide Step Cross Step
can a defensive player step out of bounds and go back in bounds and be the first to touch the football
Difficulty: Moderate== * Comfortable, dance-able shoes (not rubber soled) * Electric boogie music Step1Right , Touch. Step to the right on the right foot. Step the left foot behind the right footStep 2Step to the right on the right foot. Touch the left foot next to the right foot (clap).Step 3 Grapevine, Left, Touch. Step to the left on the left foot then step the right foot behind the left foot. Step to the left on the left foot and touch the right foot next to the left foot (clap).Step 4 Walk back, touch. Walk back stepping right, left and right. Touch the left foot next to the right foot (clap).Step 5 Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step with 1/4 Turn, Hop. Step forward on the left foot and touch the right foot toe to the left heel (clap). Step backward on the right foot; touch the left foot toe to the right toe (snap). Step forward on left foot and touch the right foot toe to the left heel (clap). Step backward on the right foot and touch the left foot toe to the right toe (snap). Step forward on the left foot, turning 1/4 turn to your left then hop.Step 6 Once you've gotten the steps down pat, you can jazz up to make your version more "electrifying." More advanced dancers can vary steps with turns (single and double) in place of grapevines or slide, slide, slide (The Electric Slide). Charleston kicks touch behind or hand to floor. The hop may be substituted with Tour en l'air (turn in the air) or double tour.* As long as dancers stay within the basic framework, there's plenty of room for personal creativity. Difficulty:Moderate== * Comfortable, dance-able shoes (not rubber soled) * Electric boogie music Step1Right , Touch. Step to the right on the right foot. Step the left foot behind the right footStep 2Step to the right on the right foot. Touch the left foot next to the right foot (clap).Step 3 Grapevine, Left, Touch. Step to the left on the left foot then step the right foot behind the left foot. Step to the left on the left foot and touch the right foot next to the left foot (clap).Step 4 Walk back, touch. Walk back stepping right, left and right. Touch the left foot next to the right foot (clap).Step 5 Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step with 1/4 Turn, Hop. Step forward on the left foot and touch the right foot toe to the left heel (clap). Step backward on the right foot; touch the left foot toe to the right toe (snap). Step forward on left foot and touch the right foot toe to the left heel (clap). Step backward on the right foot and touch the left foot toe to the right toe (snap). Step forward on the left foot, turning 1/4 turn to your left then hop.Step 6 Once you've gotten the steps down pat, you can jazz up to make your version more "electrifying." More advanced dancers can vary steps with turns (single and double) in place of grapevines or slide, slide, slide (The Electric Slide). Charleston kicks touch behind or hand to floor. The hop may be substituted with Tour en l'air (turn in the air) or double tour.* As long as dancers stay within the basic framework, there's plenty of room for personal creativity.
the meaning is to come ta them like if use in a fight they say step my way like yea come step ta me.
In a gradual manner., In degree.
Palpable means noticeable by touch.
step 1: tap settings step 2: tap wi-fi (first bar at the top) step 3: tap a wi-fi network (iPod Touch automatically searches for wi-fi) step 4: enter a password if it needs one step 5: enjoy your internet
am boms
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