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No/MaybeWhile a Gyroball is thrown with a wrist action as a screwball, such that the spin looks similar, it is not exactly the same thing the same thing as a screwball.

A good comparable would be the difference between a 2 seam sinking fastball and a shuuto pitch. These are achieved through similar types of differential pressure along the seams of the ball using the index and middle fingers and are thrown with a similar arm speed, but the wrist action and arm action causes the sinker to drop and the shuuto to tail as it loses velocity.

The gyroballs main purpose is to create the illusion that it is slowing down before the plate and at that point it drops fast over the plate. It is mostly ment to be an illusion to confuse the batter. Its effect is more like a mix between a changeup and a sinker.

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Its a type of pitch you can throw in Baseball :)

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Q: What is the gyroball baseball?
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Im 9 and you want to throw a gyroball in baseball how can you do it without hurting your arm?

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What is the gyroball?

Gyroball is the name given to a unique baseball pitch used primarily by players in Japan. The pitch was developed by a Japanese scientist, Ryutaro Himeno, and a baseball instructor, Kazushi Tezuka, who used computer simulations to create a new style of delivery intended to reduce stress on the pitcher. They published their work in a book, currently available only in Japan, whose title is roughly translated as, The Secret of the Miracle Pitch. Tezuka got the idea "in 1995, when he found an American toy in a Japanese store. It is called the X-Zylo Ultra, and its use of a gyroscope � a device that uses inertia to balance itself � allows it to fly more than 500 feet when thrown." Amid many conflicting claims, Tezuka says the gyroball has been misunderstood. According to Himeno and Tezuka, a gyroball is thrown so that, at the point of release, instead of having the pitcher's arm move inwards towards the body (the standard method used in the United States), the pitcher rotates his arm so that it moves away from his body, toward 3rd base for a right-handed pitcher and toward 1st base for a left-handed pitcher. However, the technique to throwing the gyroball is all in the legs, not in the unique grip of the baseball. Kazushi Tezuka is an instructor at the Beta Endorphin baseball dojo in Tokyo, Japan. "This," says Tezuka, as he grabs his thigh, "is the most important part of throwing the gyroball. It has nothing to do with the hands." The unusual method of delivery creates a bullet-like spin on the ball with the axis of spin in line with the direction of the throw, similar to the way an American football is thrown. According to Tezuka, the pitch, if thrown correctly, is meant to fly straight like a fastball. In baseball, most pitches are thrown with backspin, like the fastball, or with a more forward spinning motion, like the curveball and the slider. Batters use the arm speed of the pitcher and the spin on a baseball, highlighted by the seams, to judge the speed and movement of the ball. The gyroball is thrown with the arm speed of a fastball but goes slightly slower, and since it has a bullet-like spinning motion, on occasion (when the seams are hidden from view of the batter) it will make experienced batters swing wildly at the ball. The strategy behind the gyroball is that after throwing many variations of sliders, the gyroball is thrown, and thinking that the spin on the ball means that it is slider, the batter would hit it that way. But since the gyroball goes straight, the batter's hit is incorrect, and a strike can easily be achieved. The gyroball is also often confused with a completely different Japanese pitch called the shuuto, due to an error in a well-known article by baseball writer Will Carroll. Although Carroll later corrected himself, the confusion still persists. The gyroball appears in the popular manga and anime series MAJOR. In the video game MLB 07: The Show, only the player named Tate Baik (who is on the Red Sox roster and represents Daisuke Matsuzaka) has the ability to throw the gyroball. Even though it is said that Daisuke Matsuzaka can throw a gyroball, he has never admitted to it.

Where do you get the TM Gyro Ball in Pokemon diamond?

I don't know where you can find gyroball, but you can but it next to the Veilstone game corner for 15000 coins.

What moves can mawile learn?

irontail ,earthquake ,gyroball ,bite ,or if u cant get them go in pastoria city and go to the house next to the water and have a heart scale .talk to him and u will get the moves u want.this is for diamond i waanted emerald

How do you say baseball in German?

die Baseball= baseball Baseball spielen= to play baseball

Where the baseball is played?

baseballs are played in baseball games, usually on a baseball diamond

What was invented first football or baseball?


national game of usa?


What is the equipment of baseball?

Equipment needed to play baseball: baseball baseball bat baseball glove home plate three bases

What is a baseball?

A baseballer is a person who plays baseball.

What do baseball players use to catch the baseball?

A baseball glove