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there is an "exercise" icon in the new one! and that the amount of food is different to make obesity decrease. but that's just what i know and if its wrong im sorry! XD

There are color groups on the new one and the new one also runs vertical as the old one ran horizontal. There are also notes to help you improve and make better decisions and there are more pictures.


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Q: What is the difference between the new food pyramid and the old one?
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What is the difference between new food pyramid and old food pyramid?

The old food pyramid depicted food groups and recommended servings. The new food pyramid emphasizes variety, moderation, and making healthier food choices. It also includes physical activity as an essential component of a healthy lifestyle.

What is the difference between the old food pyramid and the new food pyramid?

they are both very different because the old doesin't state all of the foods and all the old foods and the new one does and the new one has lots of new and different foods to add and there a lot of new grains meat

Who created the new food pyramid?

The new food pyramid was released by the U.S. department of agriculture. Exercise was added as a part of the new pyramid.

What is the difference between Chicago and New York food?

They are not the same

What are similarities between the old and the new food pyramid?

Both the old and the new pyramids state that you should eat the least amount of oils,fats,etc. and the most amounts of grain, rice, and pastas. They are both very accurate, except for the fact that the old pyramid doesn't state servings of each food you should have daily.

Why is pastry at the top of the healthy diet pyramid?

Because the more the food is unhealthy the higher it will be on the pyramid, but follow the new diet pyramid

Who invented the new food pyramid?

Government and michele obama

Where can I find pictures of the food pyramid?

You can find a picture of a food pyramid at most of your health food sites. There is an old and new diagram out now. To find where Egyptian foods are in the pyramid check out a health food site.

What is at the top of the food pyramid?

the old food pyramid had sweets like ice cream on the top. the new one has whatever is the least healthy in the 6 categories.

What is the significance of the shape of the food pyramid?

The food pyramid is designed to help you better understand what you should eat everyday. It's shape is no accident. The old food pyramid used its shape to represent the amount of each group you should include in your diet. The bottom and middle of the pyramid, the largest part of the pyramid, represents the largest part of your diet. The top and smallest part of the pyramid, represents the nutrients that should be eaten conservatively. The new food pyramid still uses a pyramid shape, but instead uses the pyramid to represent the importance of physical activity. This new pyramid depicts a person walking up stairs to the top of the pyramid, depicting regular exercise.

What is the difference between the new food guide pyramid and the old one in respect to serving size?

It has improved. the new one gives smaller portions and tells u what ounces u need and stuff. It is more specific on portion sizes. i encourage u to start following it because it is a very fun thing to do.

The new food pyramid is only appropriate for people over the age of what?
