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Dielectric footwear meets ASTM F1117-03 (2008). This footwear is tested to 20,000v while wet. Electrical Hazard (EH) footwear meets ASTM F2413-05 or CAN/CSA-Z195-M92 Section 4.3 and is tested on the soles ONLY. EH is usually used for Low Voltages and in dry conditions. Dielectric can be used for higher voltages and in wet conditions. Usually near possible downed powerlines. These are always "secondary protection since they are not retested like D120 rubber insulating gloves. Dielectric tests in F1117 are performed on EACH shoe. F2413 is performed on a representative number and is a dry test. CAN/CSA-Z195-M92 Section 4.3 is a wet test.

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Q: What is the difference between Dielectric footwear and Electrical hazard footwear?
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