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There is no "average cost" as the cost depends on a wide variety of factors including the number of participants, length of the program, activities, staffing, and loss history.

There are many other pieces of information that are taken into account such as where the school is located and even which company is providing the existing insurance.

For more information about the basics of camp insurance (or insurance for organizations that work with children), the American Camp Association has a great primer.

You should also contact a licensed insurance broker for quotes. A broker can shop a variety of markets for you and find the most comprehensive coverage for your budget. Be sure, however, that the broker has experience in this niche market, as it will allow him/her to know the nuances of your business.

In all events, be certain to deal with an insurance and a broker that.which is licensed to transact insurance business in your state. This information can be obtained through the state insurance regulator.

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Q: What is the average cost of general liability insurance for a sport school?
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Community Insurance provide a number of financial services. They provide general liability, auto liability and school board legal liability services. One can make claims online.

Do you need to have insurance to participate in high school sports?

No, high school sports are covered for liability by the school program. There are insurance dues that are paid that contribute to this nine times out of ten.

I'm becoming a free lance interpreter fro the deaf in an education setting. I was told that I need liability insurance. Can you give me a quote on how much it will cost. The school is an automotive school in NC?

DHH insurance (they have a website) charges $350 per year for liability insurance for freelance interpreters.

Do you need liability insurance if you have a party in a school building?

Absolutely. And if the school system has anyone with intelligence they will require you to provide them with proof of such coverage in the same amount equal to their liability coverage amount. If this is a one time thing you can purchase a liability policy called special event coverage.

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If they're your own children - your ordinary car insurance will cover them. If they're someone else's children, strictly speaking - you need 'public liability' insurance.

Does your high school have boiler insurance?

I think most high schools do not. They do have insurance incase of emergencies and other damage in general.

Where can you get liability insurance quotes?

There are many places to get liability insurance quotes. Just phone your insurance agent or any insurance company of your choosing. There are also a few companies that provide on line rating services. There are also many fine on-line search engines that can help you find a quote. Just visit your favorite search provider and give it a try Alternatively if your old school, You can just look in your local yellow pages

How many school day?

In the united states, there is no regulated number, but the average is 180 in a general school year

How many days of school?

In the united states, there is no regulated number, but the average is 180 in a general school year

Can Childrens health care be bough through a school system?

Yes. Usually in the welcome packet that is given to you the first week of school there is information about school liability insurance. Some schools require it, and for others it is optional. There is a small premium and you are covered for accidents that happen at school.

Average amount spent on car insurance monthly?

The insurance information institute has average costs for car insurance by state (see link). However this is generalized so as to only be good in comparing states. If you can add a few criteria like years driving, liability/full coverage, and city/rural, you can get much better estimates on what you should be paying (see link for auto insurance estimator).There are several websites that state the current yearly average (the national average or the average of each state, depending on the site). I did quite a bit a research on it because I am working on a finance project in school in which I must create a budget, and that budget includes auto insurance payments. I came to the conclusion that usually (but not always!) car insurance is about $60 to $80 a month per vehicle. However, that range can vary due to each individual case.

How much on average is student insurance and where is the best place to look?

Student insurance is offered by many companies. Check with you insurance agent, you can go online and also you can check with the school you or your child is attending.