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the team process was developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965 to describe the phases that most groups go through to become a team.

Forming - the group is new and everyone is happy and welcoming. low conflict.

Storming - the group has problems; common issues include unclear goals, conflict between team members, lack of motivation, lack of team norms, and social loafing. conflict occurs and members of the group must decide how they will deal with conflict.

Norming/Performing - when the team gets past the storming phase, team members have experience working out internal conflicts and are more in tune with the norms and expectations of the team and how they are motivated to obtain their goals. This is a stage of high productivity as the group achieves synergy between it's members.

Adjourning/Mourning - the team disbands because the team objectives have been met. some teams do not go through this process except as members rotate out of the group.

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