To sponsor a category is to provide funds for support on a project, an activity, or to a person. A non sponsored category is one that requires no financial support or that could be independently funded.
Sponsored and non sponsored fee ? When a company or an organisations deputes some one from their organisation for a particular course in an institute, it is called sponsoring Normally sponsored fee are very much higher than non sponsored ones. Institutes prefer sponsored candidate.
differece between sponsered and non sponsered semester Sponsored and non sponsored fee ? When a company or an organisations deputes some one from their organisation for a particular course in an institute, it is called sponsoring Normally sponsored fee are very much higher than non sponsored ones. Institutes prefer sponsored
Determine your visa category: Identify the appropriate immigrant visa category, such as family-sponsored, employment-based, or diversity visa (DV) lottery.
It is in the "non-vegetable" category. Rice is a grain.
(in the US) Yes.
This is an interesting question! We've notified our experts in this category and we'll email you when there is a response.
Fish is not a vegetable It is meat.
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non fiction