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Speedball is a form of paintball. Speedball is mainly played outdoors on an open field. In other cases local shops have been buying wharehouses and opening a field indoor. Either way you play it, its still speedball. Speedball is a fast pace game no longer than 5 minutes. The field is a small football field. Each team starts at oppiste ends of the playingfield. Once the reff sounds the game, the object is to either elimate the other team, or to hang a flag on the others dead box/starting gate. Teams can be any number of players on one team. Tournements or tourneys, run different size tourneys. 3-man, 5-man, or 7-man tourney sizes. Every event is different so know your limits on your roster (usally two extra players allowed to play). All an all this sport is a very demanding, and physical sport. Keep at it and don't give up. A QUITER NEVER WINDS!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Different people have different definitions for speedballing. Some say speedballing is when you do intense uppers and intense downers at the same time. Say... snorting or shooting cocaine immediately followed with something such as xanax. However some say, it's when you shoot a pain killer such as heroin or morphine followed by shooting an upper such as cocaine. When doing this, some people will shoot a syringe of water between the two drugs. This is supposed to get the drugs flowing through your body faster.

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