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i am doing a big project on this topic so I have been doing a lot of researching.

definetly equipment has changed

coaching techniques

the age of figure skaters who are winning a lot has gone down

one of the causes was the 1961 plane crash. figures were elimnated from competiton in 1990. women have become more dominating. in the beginning, women were not allowed to join figure skating clubs.

it is a great question and there is a lot of information out there about it.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Figure Skating is a sport that needs alot of hard work and determation. It has changed from the earliest years because it focuses mainly on the tricks instead of the edges. Figure Skating is also very expensive, You have to pay for ice time, coaches, competitions, test sessions, skates, blades, costumes etc

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16y ago

in figure skating you have skates you do spins spirals and jumps on ice and get points for it when you do a fault you dont get many points who ever has the most points from the judges wins quite simple

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12y ago

some facts about figure skating would be...

1. you always NEED to wear figure skates NOT hockey skates.

2. you have to start out by learning to skate in a group, then when you get better its recommended to get a private coach

3. there are 3 sessions in skating 1,2 and 3.

4. there are dances, skills and free skate you need to pass

5. there are also may different types of compitions you can enter.....

6. in compitetions it is recommended that you wear dresses, tights, makeup(if a girl) and hair done up..

7. in most competitions you receive treat bags and party favours..

Jackson Haines, an American, revolutionized figure skating in the 1860s, skating to music, bringing balletic movements to ice, and creating new ones. One of the most beautiful and graceful events in all sport, international figure skating requires skaters to perform a short program that includes mandatory jumps and skills, and then a longer program of free selection, both set to music. Judging is subjective and often controversial. Skaters also compete in pairs, seeking through the intricate synchronization of moves and the performance of lifts and jumps to impress the scoring judges.

Olympic gold medalist Sonja Henie did much to bring skating to wide public notice in the United States, and after she turned (1936) professional, the ice carnival became a popular American amusement. Since then traveling ice shows have continued to attract former Olympic skaters who have, since the 1970s, also competed in a series of professional competitions. In recent years, Americans have increasingly taken up competitive figure skating in the hope of repeating the successes of Olympic champions such as Peggy Fleming, Dorothy Hamill, Scott Hamilton, Brian Boitano, Kristi Yamaguchi, Tara Lipinski, and Sarah Hughes.

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16y ago

Recently, the transition from the 6.0 system to the CoP, Code of Points System.

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15y ago

it has go more stuff to it and there is more safer =eqipment

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13y ago

its basically like dance on iceskates i know someone who can do a backflip on the ice and you need to be flexible so i guess it can be like gymnastics.

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14y ago

found in 1947 Olympic sport since 1908

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Is figure skating still popular today?

YES! The popularity of figure skating is actually growing quite steadily.

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Figure skating may not look like a sport but it is extremely physically demanding.

What are the 4 events in Figure Skating?

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What are 4 events in figure skating?

mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating

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my friends and i call it skating

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it became a sport today because of its so brilliant and you need to be athletic

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I love figure skating!!

Is Ice skating more popular then Figure skating?

Figure skating is a type of ice skating. It's like asking "Is a Ferrari more popular than a car?" A Ferrari is a type of car. Ice skating includes figure skating, speed skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, any type of activity where you move across the ice on skates. So, ice skating would have more participants because it includes more activities than just figure skating.

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uhhh no. figure skating is in an ice arena...

Is a pinwheeel a figure skating jump?

No, a pinwheel is not a figure skating jump. It is a skating move the a group of skaters can do.

is figure skating played today?

in figure skating you have skates you do spins spirals and jumps on ice and get points for it when you do a fault you dont get many points who ever has the most points from the judges wins quite simple

How was figure skating first played?

The sport figure skating was first played in 1772. A Treatise on Skating (1772) by Englishman Robert Jones, is the first known account of figure skating.