Cultural diffusion is when another culture benefits from another by trade or some sort of partnership. Two empires might like to combine their skills and rule as one so that would be cultural diffusion.
Cultural diffusion is the separation of culture from a central point. an example is the Irish potato famine, many Irish people had to leave their home and moved to the U.S. bringing their culture with them and exposing it to others.
Pretty much anything that causes people to leave their home and move somewhere else is a cause of cultural diffusion.
Some causes of cultural diffusion was when different people traded with each other and when they moved. It affected the early civilizations because they kept spreading ideas around the world and was constantly changing other ideas.
enculturaion A+LS: cultural diffusion
An example of cultural diffusion in the Philippines is the Filipinos adopting some Spanish customs after Spain colonized the country.
Three causes of Cultural change are, migration, trade, and warfare.
because there was so much people in India so some people left and took some of the cultural activities outside the country and that's how it caused India cultural diffusion
They had some of the chinese culture etc.
How did cultural diffusion help preserve the legacy of the Phoenicians
it is called diffusion or sometime called borrowing
contagious diffusion, relocation diffusion, expansion diffusion, stimulus diffusion, hierarchical diffusion.
The silk road played a big part in cultural diffusion.
Some disadvantages of cultural diffusion include the potential loss of cultural identity, the spread of negative cultural practices, and conflicts arising from differences in values and beliefs. Additionally, cultural diffusion can lead to homogenization and loss of diversity in cultures.
The antonym of cultural diffusion is cultural isolation or cultural segregation, which refers to the deliberate exclusion or limitation of external cultural influences on a society or group.