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Q: What is considered a soft tissue injury in sports?
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What is soft tissue and what is hard tissue?

a soft tissue injury is mainly a tear, strain, sprain, and swelling a hard tissue injury is serious like a broken bone, severe fractures, joint dislocation, bruising, internal bleeding

What is an injury to the skin and the soft tissue underneath it?

youre gay .

What is a closed issue injury soft tissue injury characterized by swelling and ecchymosis called?


Can the soft tissue injury in your left groin and plantar fasciitis in your left foot be connected?

No. Plantar fasciitis is caused by a virus.A soft tissue injury is caused by mechanical action or implement such as a knife.

What is the average settlement for soft tissue injury from auto accident?


What are cuts meaning an injury to the skin and soft tissue?


Can you prove a soft tissue injury?

Soft tissue injuries are commonly diagnosed through physical examination, medical history, and imaging tests such as MRI or ultrasound. These imaging tests can help identify the location and extent of the injury, such as sprains, strains, or tears in muscles, tendons, or ligaments. While they cannot definitively prove the injury, these methods provide evidence to support a diagnosis and guide treatment.

What is the difference between soft and hard tissue injuries?

a soft tissue injury is mainly a tear, strain, sprain, and swelling a hard tissue injury is serious like a broken bone, severe fractures, joint dislocation, bruising, internal bleeding

What are stages of soft tissue?

The stages of soft tissue healing are inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. In the inflammation stage, the body sends blood and nutrients to the injury site to begin the healing process. The proliferation stage involves the growth of new tissue to repair the injury. In the remodeling stage, the newly formed tissue matures and becomes stronger.

Is my foot dislocated or is it just soft tissue ingery?

Without a proper medical examination, it's difficult to determine the extent of your injury. Dislocation typically involves the displacement of bones, while soft tissue injury involves damage to muscles, tendons, or ligaments. It's best to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.